4 Jun 2024
EDF Renewables has scaled back its design for Liddesdale wind farm in the Scottish Borders after conducting a 12-month consultation with locals. The new design will see the number of turbines cut by a quarter, with 59 turbines now being proposed rather than 80.
The redesign comes after the developer participated in a series of council meetings, public exhibitions, one-to-one meetings and exhibited at agricultural shows in the area.
Throughout June, EDF Renewables is hosting a second round of local engagement to present its revised plans in the communities around the site, including those in and near Newcastleton, Chesters, Southdean, Hobkirk, Bonchester Bridge, Kielder, Upper Liddesdale and Hermitage.
If you would like to attend one of the public exhibitions and learn more or share your views, the details are as follows:
Kielder Primary School, Thursday 13 June, 5pm to 8pm
Newcastleton Village Hall, Tuesday 18 June, 3pm to 7pm
Southdean Village Hall, Wednesday 19 June, 3pm to 7pm
There will also be a virtual exhibition on EDF’s website for people to view and provide comment in their own time, however no link to this is currently available.
If you wish to find out more, you can contact liddesdalewindfarm@edf-re.uk for updates.
Read the full article on ReNews: https://renews.biz/93620/edf-renewables-unveils-liddesdale-design-refresh/
More information about the project is available here: https://www.edf-re.uk/our-sites/liddesdale/
[Image credit: EDF Renewables - Rusholme Wind Farm]