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Objection to East Lothian wind farm highlights key concerns facing current and future developments

16 Sept 2024

The intervention of East Lothian Council leader, Councillor Norman Hampshire, to object to a proposed wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills encapsulates the major concerns regarding further wind development.

At the planning committee meeting last week, councillors unanimously objected to plans for Newlands Hill Wind Energy Hub which would consist of 17 turbines ranging from 180m to 200m.

Whilst other developments have previously been consented in the area, it was felt that the location, which is the gateway to the Lammermuirs, was too prominent and would be seen from up to 50 miles away. It was also believed it would have significant adverse impact on the historic environment.

During the meeting, Councillor Hampshire said: “You can’t have the whole of East Lothian covered in wind turbines.”

He added: “It feels to people in East Lothian that we are being asked to take much more than other areas across Scotland. There is a limit to how much our landscape can take or it will be destroyed completely.”

Whilst there is general support for green projects and renewables, the planning committee questioned whether the balance was being met in the county where many wind farms already exist.

An online petition had attracted more than 700 objections to the application which appears to have had a notable impact.

This pinpointed a key issue not just in East Lothian but in the Borders as well.

The speed and scale of the change we are now seeing as a result of the over-proliferation of wind turbines is immense. Local communities increasingly feel that individual onshore wind applications, which are growing rapidly, are unconnected to any wider strategy. In pursuing national carbon reduction and renewable energy targets we must not ignore the cumulative impact these wind farms are having.

The development will now go to the Energy Consents Unit (ECU) to determine its fate.

Read more about the wind farm project in the East Lothian Courier:


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